Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My First Grader's Photo Shoot

I am so happy because my first grader finally said yes when i asked him if we can do the photo shooting for even just a real quicky one. I just took him to our neighborhood since he gets bored easy unlike his little brother that i can take him anywhere i want to. It was again, a successful photo shoot though he didn't do what i want him to do, i just let him play and do the things he like, such as jumping, running, and being silly with me.

Here are some snaps i got that i really like among the shots i got of him. I realized that my first born son is now getting so big. I am feeling bittersweet right now looking at all these photos of him. I am sad that he is growing fast, but then also grateful that he is growing healthy, happy and smart young man. All i wish for him is to have a good life and be a responsible man in the house when it's time for him to settle down.
A kid can only be a kid once, so let him be :)DSC_3085Nobody else like him, he's unique - - this one. How fortunate we are that he is our son. ~Author Unknown~DSC_3129DSC_3149DSC_3146DSC_3150DSC_3136DSC_3108

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