Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spider Web Water Beads

I am so happy that finally i was able to take some shots using my macro lens. I was very ill for the past weeks and couldn't even cope up with my chores here inside the house. I was dizzy and could hardly get up, but despite of all that, still i was able to manage to take care of my kids.

Earlier today i went out because my little one likes to be outside a lot. Although i am not totally well yet but i am glad i went out with him because i saw the spider web by our backyard's bush. It was pretty interesting because it looks very beautiful but then i remember what the speaker said where i had my two months photography class. Just sprinkle a little bit of water using the hair spray and you'll make a very outstanding photos. Just like these photos i captured! It does look like water beads, doesn't it? Take a look!
Spider web water beadsDSC_4491DSC_4471DSC_4478

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Model's Natural Facial Expression

I actually only had a chance once to photo shoot a three year old little girl from our neighbor because the mother was being friendly to me. She was a nice woman and we have one thing in common, we both lost a child, which it was the most painful part of our lives. Anyway, i am currently practicing some more on how to enhance portrait photographs. And because i have no one else but my little one with me all the time, he becomes my model, my walking companion and someone i can talk to even if he doesn't talk that much yet.

Earlier today he wanted to go out, he wanted to play, he is an outgoing kind of little one, and i guess he must have got that from me. I love taking pictures of my little one because the portraits i get of him always comes out natural. Just like this one below. He was just looking around in the street in front of our house. He likes to follow all the cars, trucks and motorcycles that passes by. Well, i take advantage of the chance, so i keep snapping my camera and here's one of the best i got.
Looking back at to where the sound came from :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pony Tailed Boy

I happened to browse my little one's photos when he was just not quite a year old yet. It makes me miss his pony tail, he used to have long hair and i really love it because he looks good at it (i think! since hubby did not like it, lol!). When summer came, hubby told me that he needs to see the barber to cut his long hair, and we took him to the barber shop. Now that i viewed all his photos, it makes me think that since winter is coming, i might keep his hair until it gets long again. Let's see if hubby will tell me that we are going to take him to the barbershop to have his hair cut. These are the photo that i like the most, he sure is a cutie!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Corvette!!! Vrooom, Vroom, Vroom!!!

Corvette!!! My dream car!!! This car is looking so hot and lovely!!! Anyway, i took this photo yesterday during the Peach Days celebration parade. It was a pretty long parade for it took two hours to finally see the last participants. And this corvette was one of them. There was a whole lot of Corvettes in the parade really but this one caught my attention. It looks odd to me since this is supposed to be a fast car and i just noticed that the license plate number has handicapped thing on it. I said to myself like, how could a sports car get a handicapped licensed plate number? LOL!!!

Well, anyway, mostly corvette owners are retired, and don't know how to waste their money, so they end up buying a very expensive and luxurious car like this one :) Isn't it look so pretty? I just wish i have one like this, but i guess it'll remain as wish and it's not gonna happen for i can't afford to keep such expensive ride like this red Corvette.
Red Corvette!!! Vroom, Vroom!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Learning Photo Processing

Ever since i learned how to process photos, i became addicted to it. I am loving it the fact that i can enhance the photos i took, especially the portraits. My little one is my best model since i know no one here around us, and besides i am hesitant to ask someone too. I love processing photos because it adds more life to the picture and it enhances the the beauty of the subject.

I am not saying that my photos are no good, but it is better though to at least touch it up a little bit, don't you think? It really has a big difference between the straight out of camera pictures compared to the processed ones. Now that i am gradually learning all this process thingy, i might as well enjoy it now so i can look for future customers :) These photos below was taken yesterday in our front yard while my little one was playing, i so love taking pictures of kids because they have the most natural and innocent facial expressions. No make up needed, even without props, being them as subject alone is already cute enough :)
“A Woman who can cope with the terrible two can cope with anything”“Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.”  ~Dr. Haim Ginott~Children are unpredictable.  You never know what inconsistency they're going to catch you in next.  ~Franklin P. Jones~Someone is not happy :(

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My First Grader's Photo Shoot

I am so happy because my first grader finally said yes when i asked him if we can do the photo shooting for even just a real quicky one. I just took him to our neighborhood since he gets bored easy unlike his little brother that i can take him anywhere i want to. It was again, a successful photo shoot though he didn't do what i want him to do, i just let him play and do the things he like, such as jumping, running, and being silly with me.

Here are some snaps i got that i really like among the shots i got of him. I realized that my first born son is now getting so big. I am feeling bittersweet right now looking at all these photos of him. I am sad that he is growing fast, but then also grateful that he is growing healthy, happy and smart young man. All i wish for him is to have a good life and be a responsible man in the house when it's time for him to settle down.
A kid can only be a kid once, so let him be :)DSC_3085Nobody else like him, he's unique - - this one. How fortunate we are that he is our son. ~Author Unknown~DSC_3129DSC_3149DSC_3146DSC_3150DSC_3136DSC_3108

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Successful Photo Shoot

It was an another success photo shoot with my little one this early afternoon. I took him to the railways where i took my friends to do the photo shooting with them. Just two of us over there, the place was so quiet and all we can hear was the chirping birds and the insect's noise. The weather was perfect, though it was a little chilly but i am thankful for it so it won't be so hot for my little model to stay there by the railways.

We didn't stay there too long, i just let him run around and took the advantage and kept on clicking the shutter button of my camera. I really love the place! I might take my little one again over there and will do the photo shooting again with of course props with us so the photos will come out more lively and has story :) Anyway, here's some of the good snaps i got of him while we were there.
DSC_3005DSC_2997-2DSC_2993DSC_3008“If you want your child to keep his feet on the ground, put some responsibility on his shoulders.” ~Abigail Van Buren~DSC_2990DSC_2963

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Portraiture Photography

Lately i have been fascinated of taking photos of my kids and other kids. I am getting hooked in portraits photography. Since i don't have much time of looking for subjects in my macro photography due to my oldest son is going to school the whole day every weekdays, and i get busy with his little brother when he is away. Also, i am hooked on portraiture because i am slowly learning on how to process it. I really love taking pictures, especially the kids, i just admire their innocent faces and their natural smile, they have the most beautiful faces in the world that grown ups can never copy. Anyway, here are some of the portraits i got :)