Thursday, September 30, 2010

Scary Looking Bee

Wake up, wake up blog! Are you still sleeping or what? Haha, anyway, this blog is been asleep since June. Too bad i cannot update this as much as i would like to due to the very slowsky connection i have back in Philippines. But now i am back! And i am so glad we had a safe trip back home with my family. I have a lot of photos to share and i hope i can share them as possible as i can, i will try my best to share a photo a day. But for now, this is what i can share to you guys, a scary bee.
Scary Bee
I found this bee just beside where my small hut is located nearby my mother's house. At first, i really don't exactly know what kind of insect this was, but then i realized that this is another kind of bee, it's just looked so different from the common bees i usually see.