Thursday, June 9, 2011

Macro Is My Obsession

Our weather here in Utah is been like a roller coaster. The sun shines for a couple of days and all of the sudden the next day will be rainy days. Just like today. I woke up early this morning because i had an appointment i went to. Then later after i took the kids to Arby's since it has been awhile since i last took them out.

Anyway, i had fun walk the other with my kids too, it was not so hot yet it wasn't that chilly either. It was a perfect weather to go out and enjoy more outside. The kids had so much fun running around while i stopped here and there to take some snaps of beautiful flowers using my macro lens along the sidewalks. So here are some good snaps that i got. Hope you'll like them!
Yellow mellow fellow!Pretty blue flowersPoppy stigmaStigma


Emzkie said...

love all ur shots Darl! nindot kaau tanan!!

pa add pud ko diri ha! hehehe

Utah Mommy said...

Thank you so much Emz. Na add na nako sa akong tanan blogs imong blog :) Thanks for the visit :)