Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Beautiful Purple Flower

This purple flower grows by the side of our driveway. I really don't know exactly what's the name of this flower, it's like bushes and it blooms every springtime and dies during summertime. I fell so inlove with its beauty for the first time i saw this flower but really not taking a picture of it since my small camera doesn't do a fancy kind of shot. Now that i have my DSLR, i was able to take some snaps of it as it just barely starting to grow and it wasn't blooming yet and the other day, i also took some snaps of the blooming ones. Here's the before and after blooming shots i got. Here's BEFORE:
And if you want to see this at larger image, please click this LINK
And here's AFTER:
And if you want to see this at larger image, please click this LINK

1 comment:

Emzkie said...

hi Darl! Azaleas cguro ni. =) does it cover the whole bush? i mean flowers all over? if it does mau dyud na sya. =)