Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day Of School

Seven o'clock morning sharp, i was already up and so as my first grader son. Got him ready, gave him a bath, cut his nails and combed his hair. And when he was ready to go i took few shots of him in front of our house holding the paper with something written on it. As you can see the picture below. I still can't believe i have first grader now, where did the time go? He's growing so fast alright and i hate to think about it because he will be leaving me whole day every weekdays! Goodness! When i took him to the bus stop, he told me no kissing because he doesn't want other kids to see it and be teased, which i understand. I can't help but to cry soon when the school bus left to school. Hubby noticed me and hugged me telling me everything will be alright, he would be crying if our son will start to ask us to borrow the car key. Waaahhh!!! I don't even want to think about it yet! Not today!

Here are some few shots i got of him by the way. From the house to his school bus. He's officially first grader now, and i had a bitter-sweet feeling when i waved goodbye to him. My baby is now a big boy, and i sure can't stop him from growing.
First day of school!DSC_2861DSC_2862


tx sweetie said...

hohoho kahilak jud pud ko ug ako anak nag skoling na tiaw mo na sakay nag skol bus lipay nga mingaw kay syempre once skol na di nana kapugngan man gud padung nanas ka ulitaw.

Utah Mommy said...

Mao jud dai, perti nakong danguyngoy paglarga na sa school bus. Makamingaw woi nga lipay pod kay first grader na sya. Ambot di masabot akong gibati.